From time to time we receive emails about borax. If you Google it there is lots of conflicting information and the first thing you really need to know is that there is a difference between boric acid and borax.

Boric acid should certainly not get near you or your home. But borax, which is what we use and sell, is a simple salt which has been used for generations as a great cleaner.

It is an alkaline mineral which is a very effective anti-bacterial, fungicidal cleaning and bleaching agent. It is widely regarded as being better for the environment than bleach. But it can be toxic in high doses and needs to be kept away from children and animals, so I restrict its use where I can. It is valuable as an emulsifier in natural recipes, as a stain remover, grease and gunk remover and a deodoriser, it can also help with foot fungus and
Here’s a great article which looks into borax.
You can buy borax on our site here.